Monday 27 February 2012

Project 5: Color Changing Bouncing Ball

This is a bouncing ball that shows the use of flash and color changing. The ball changes color every moment it hits the sidewalk(the grey).

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Project 4: Color Changing Square Flash

I used frame by frame style to make this GIF. This is a square moving around the screen and changing color at certain points. It took awhile to figure out that I had to do frame by frame.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Project 3: Flash Signature

This was a horribly put together flash project. The pencil looks like its following the writing in some areas. this also runs at 120 fps 

Sunday 5 February 2012

Project 2: Flash Project

This was made with Flash. I put together a quick and simple highway with cars and semi-trucks. I used motion tweens for this.