Tuesday 30 August 2011

Project 9: Excel Chart Style

I just made a chart in this video using excel. It was very easy . I entered the data, made the chart, and then made the chart and page look nicer using style tools. This was a very easy project and there is still much more I could've done. For example, I could've incorporated 3D art and styles.

Project 8: Word Style

This is my example of adding different styles to a MSWord document. I added a nice two color style to the graph. (The graph I made using the "convert text to chart" tool.) Also, I added highlights and different styles of writing to the titles. I also added a diagram. This was all simple. If I wanted to I could've made a real paper, but this was just a project to show the different ways you can make a word document more enjoyable or eye-catching.

Project 2: Mail Merge Letter

This is my sample on mail merge in a letter. I just took random topics to write since the assignment was based on mail merge. I used mail merge where ever a person's name was. I used the address block, greeting, and I inserted one or two name blocks. This was a simple assignment on learning the basics of how to use mail merge so it was fairly easy.

Sunday 28 August 2011

Project 6/7: AVI and YouTube in Word

This is an AVI video in word. Just a project on learning how to do this.
This is a Youtube video in word. The guy in the couch is Mac Miller. If you open the word document and double-click the video it will open up and play. I can add more videos but this is just a tutorial try to learn the basics of doing this.

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Project 5: Custom Shortcuts

For this project I made two shortcuts for opening programs.

  1. Open Safari - F1 - I use Safari all the time so I thought I would make a shortcut key to open it without my mouse.
  2. Open My Computer - ctrl + alt + M - I download a lot of torrents and I also burn iso images to discs.
  3. Open BitTorrent - ctrl + alt + T - I constantly check my torrent downloads to make sure they are running good.
Shortcut keys can also be placed inside applications. I chose to use the shortcut keys for applications that I use often though.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Project 4: Ten Most Useful Key Shortcuts

There are many keyboard shortcuts but these ten are the most useful to me.

  1. StickyKeys {shift x5}- StickyKeys is useful to me because it enables me to type on my computer or use multiple keys at once with one hand. StickyKeys turns on the feature that allows the user to use any hold key (i.e. ctrl, alt, shift) and not have to hold it. Any of these keys can be pressed once to be turned on for one key or click and a double click will enable the key until turned off.
  2. Window Close {alt + f4}- This hotkey is a quick way to close windows when in a hurry or if you don't have a working mouse.
  3. Zoom In/Out {ctrl + +/-}- This key is helpful when looking at text that is too small, sentences that are longer than the page, or looking at pictures too big or too small.
  4. Task Manager {ctrl + alt + delete}- This key is great for when programs quit responding or when you need to shut down the computer. In the task manager you can also see your computers performance history and memory data.
  5. Undo {ctrl + z}- This hotkey is helpful for when you accidently make a mistake on typing or you accidently delete a file. The opposite of this key is the redo shortcut {ctrl + y}, but I rarely use this key.
  6. New Tab in Safari (may also work in other internet explorers) {ctrl + t}- I use the key for opening new tabs quickly so that I don't have to move my mouse all the way to the top of the screen.
  7. Copy {ctrl + c}- This makes transferring files and texts quick and easy.
  8. Paste {ctrl + v}- This makes putting files and texts in different places quick and easy.
  9. Rename {f2}- Sometimes I use this key for renaming files that I recently downloaded to easier find them.
  10. Sleep {ctrl + f5}- This key quickly puts the computer to sleep without closing the screen.  

Monday 22 August 2011

Project 3: Mail Merge Flyer

This is just a repeat of my previous flyer. Although, in this flyer I added an address block using the mail merge feature. I also could have included certain greetings to address certain people for each flyer.

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Project 1: Flyer

In this flyer I did my best to utilize the features of Microsoft Office Word. I used a watermark, text boxes, 3D titles, and I added a fade around the edges of the photos. I could've spent more time adding more affects to the background and texts. This project could've been better with more effort.