Tuesday 23 August 2011

Project 4: Ten Most Useful Key Shortcuts

There are many keyboard shortcuts but these ten are the most useful to me.

  1. StickyKeys {shift x5}- StickyKeys is useful to me because it enables me to type on my computer or use multiple keys at once with one hand. StickyKeys turns on the feature that allows the user to use any hold key (i.e. ctrl, alt, shift) and not have to hold it. Any of these keys can be pressed once to be turned on for one key or click and a double click will enable the key until turned off.
  2. Window Close {alt + f4}- This hotkey is a quick way to close windows when in a hurry or if you don't have a working mouse.
  3. Zoom In/Out {ctrl + +/-}- This key is helpful when looking at text that is too small, sentences that are longer than the page, or looking at pictures too big or too small.
  4. Task Manager {ctrl + alt + delete}- This key is great for when programs quit responding or when you need to shut down the computer. In the task manager you can also see your computers performance history and memory data.
  5. Undo {ctrl + z}- This hotkey is helpful for when you accidently make a mistake on typing or you accidently delete a file. The opposite of this key is the redo shortcut {ctrl + y}, but I rarely use this key.
  6. New Tab in Safari (may also work in other internet explorers) {ctrl + t}- I use the key for opening new tabs quickly so that I don't have to move my mouse all the way to the top of the screen.
  7. Copy {ctrl + c}- This makes transferring files and texts quick and easy.
  8. Paste {ctrl + v}- This makes putting files and texts in different places quick and easy.
  9. Rename {f2}- Sometimes I use this key for renaming files that I recently downloaded to easier find them.
  10. Sleep {ctrl + f5}- This key quickly puts the computer to sleep without closing the screen.  

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