Tuesday 1 May 2012

Project 16: Wireless Security Encryptions

What is...
WEP- Stands for Wireless Equivalent Privacy. WEP is an encryption standard that is the basic security for novice router operators. WEP is limited in the amount of characters it may use as a password.
WPA- Stands for Wi-Fi  Protected Access. WPA is an upgrade from WEP. WPA encryption is not limited to certain types or quantities of characters in the password. This makes WPA a stronger defense than WEP.
WPA2- Stands for Wi-Fi Protected Access II. WPA2 is a upgrade from WPA. WPA2 has an upgraded encryption system which introduces AES encryption.
TKIP- Stands for Temporal Key Integrity Protocol. TKIP is an upgrade from the encryption protocol used by WEP. TKIP implements three new encryption features: 1. TKIP introduces a key-mixing function, 2. Implements a replay counter that stops packets if they are sent out of order, 3. TKIP gives each new packet a unique encryption key.
AES- Stands for Advanced Encryption Standard. AES is the most recent and most secure encryption. AES uses a symmetric-key algorithm. This means that one key is used for both encryption and decryption.
AES is the most recent encryption standard, as well as the most secure. This is because the AES algorithm is based on substitutions and permutations. The algorithm substitutes some units with others and also rearranges the units.

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